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Physician Leadership Development Conference

Friday, April 22, 20168:00 amSaturday, April 23, 201612:00 pm
Courtyard Marriott, Lincoln, NE

Physician leaders must represent both clinical and managerial interests, and those new to the role are challenged to move beyond their clinical training and often take a new approach to managerial decision-making, problem solving, communication and negotiation. Presented by American Association for Physician Leadership faculty, the "Physician Leadership Development Conference" is designed for Nebraska physicians who have recently taken on a leadership or management role and those who have the potential of taking on that role in the future.

This is an opportunity for Nebraska hospitals to offer their physicians reputable, CME-qualifying education necessary to develop their leadership skills and make the transition from clinician to physician leader at a reasonable price with more limited travel time and expense than national conferences held out of state.