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New CPE Webinar for Rural Health Providers: Managing Regulatory and Reimbursement Challenges

Thursday, June 13, 2024
1:00 pm2:30 pm

Attendees of this webinar will be eligible for 1.5 CPE* credits in Specialized Knowledge.

During this 90-minute CPE webinar, PYA’s Martie Ross and Kathy Reep will provide practical insights and advice for rural health leaders. Join them for a lively discussion of more than a dozen hot topics in rural health and gain knowledge from these learning objectives:

Surviving Medicare Advantage
Tips for Negotiating Commercial Contracts
Ways to Stem Patient Outmigration
Update on the Rural Emergency Hospital Program
Status of Rural IPPS Hospital Medicare Add-On Payments
Current Status and Future of Telehealth Reimbursement
Compliance with Price Transparency Requirements
Regulatory Requirements on the Horizon
Rural Health Clinic Opportunities
CAH Cost Report Considerations
Defending Swing Bed Reimbursement
Changes to Conditions of Participation
What’s Happening in D.C.

This webinar is part of PYA’s twice-monthly Healthcare Regulatory Roundup, a popular series during which PYA experts provide practical insights on the latest industry regulatory developments.