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Hospital Price Transparency: The Extensive Changes to the Rule in 2024

Tuesday, June 11, 2024
12:00 pm1:00 pm

Join Jory Hatton, CEO at ClaraPrice, an organization specializing in Hospital Price Transparency compliance, to learn more about the new Price Transparency requirements in 2024 and 2025. We will cover all the new requirements, where to find resources and guidance online, and how to stay ahead and prepare for next-level enforcement.

Learning Objectives:
• January 2024 Website Requirements
• The New CMS TXT File
• July 2024 Requirements: The New Standardized MRF Data Schema
• January 2025 Requirements: Estimated Allowed Amounts
• Online Price Transparency Resources
• Preparing for Audits and Enforcement

Presenter: Jory Hatton, CEO, ClaraPrice