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Revenue Recharge: Back-End Revenue Cycle

Thursday, March 28, 2024
11:00 am12:00 pm

Thursday, March 28, 2024 | 1:00-1:30 PM ET

You can't cut your way to success. Cutting expenses is one way to balance the ledger, but don’t overlook revenue. Addressing net revenue opportunities in your operational planning leads to a more sustainable and visionary future for the enterprise and better healthcare for patients.

Join PYA Principal Bob Paskowski and Senior Manager David Hall to learn more about revenue opportunities through the back-end revenue cycle. Attendees will learn from these objectives:
• Engaging with payers: Understand current national trends in payer denial activity and how to prepare a defense against these activities
• Avoiding denials: Learn the importance of understanding and maximizing the use of your billing application functionality to avoid, analyze, and track denials and underpayments
• Plugging the leaks: Evaluate the critical role of comprehensive policies and procedures to guard against hidden revenue leakage
• Realizing revenue: Learn from Paskowski and Hall’s experiences to help you realize greater net revenue