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ICD-10-CM Coding for Social Determinants of Health (LHA 9.28.23)

Thursday, September 28, 2023
1:00 pm3:00 pm

ICD-10-CM Coding for Social Determinants of Health (LHA 9.28.23)

Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. CT

Jean Ann Hartzell-Minzey, RHIA, CHA, CPC, CEO and Chair of the Board, Healthcare Education Strategies, Inc.

Cost: $195 to NHA members (per hospital, no charge for additional lines, recordings available up to 60 days after the webinar)

Course Curriculum
Addressing Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) positively affects both the patient and the healthcare system by improving patient outcomes and reducing unnecessary expenditures such as hospital readmission, length of stay, and use of post-acute care. Addressing SDOH is also a primary approach to achieving health equity. The ICD-10-CM codes included in categories Z55-Z65 and Z75 (“Z codes”) identify non-medical factors that may influence a patient’s health status, such as the patient’s socioeconomic situation, including education and literacy, employment, housing, lack of adequate food or water, or occupational exposure to risk factors like dust, radiation, or toxic agents.

• What are SDOH?
• Why is reporting important?
• Key stakeholders:
o Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
o American Hospital Association
• Coding and Reporting Impacts
o Improve Health of Patients and Communities
o Allow for Personalized Care for Medical and Non-Medical Needs
o Identify Partners and Community Outreach Programs
• Challenges and Changes
o Evaluation and Management (E/M) Guidelines
o Standardization of Data Collection for SDOH
o Privacy Protection
• Questions & Answers

Learning Objectives:
• Recognize the factors impacting SDOH and how to capture information for coding and reporting;
• Improve understanding on how assessing and addressing SDOH is critical to improving the patient’s health; and
• Gain knowledge about how to report correctly the key conditions that affect the patients and their social needs.

Intended Audience:
HIM coders, CDI staff, case managers, documentation improvement staff, risk coders, and physician office staff

Speaker Bio:
Hartzell-Minzey actively develops systems and innovative programs for healthcare leaders and trainers. Her approach to ICD-10-CM and ICD-10- PCS reflects her clinical knowledge and her knowledge of reimbursement methodologies. She implemented one of the first DRG systems in the country while educating 280 members of the medical staff, one-on-one. The same issues are relevant today in ICD-10. Hartzell-Minzey’s sessions not only provide the building blocks to transition to ICD-10 but also help to decrease Recovery Audit Contractor exposure.