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OpenBeds orientation session

Thursday, July 6, 2023
12:00 pm1:00 pm

The Nebraska Hospital Association is supporting the implementation and spread of the OpenBeds Project. OpenBeds is a provider-to-provider tool that connects referring entities to Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Mental Health (MH) treatment programs. This project is a strategic plan initiative for the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Behavioral Health to increase access to needed behavioral health services. Hospitals in the Omaha area have been using OpenBeds for several years. Outreach to other hospitals in the state occurred in May. The July event will focus on non-hospital based behavioral health programs as well as hospital based behavioral health care.

OpenBeds is a cloud-based solution that replaces inefficient and less effective manual search, communication, and reporting functions, facilitates rapid transfers/referrals, and fosters collaboration and coordination between medical and non-medical based mental health providers and substance use programs. The OpenBeds solution accomplishes this by providing real-time treatment facility availability, evidence-based therapy offerings, two-way digital provider communication, data aggregation and analytics, and clinical decision support.
The orientation session on OpenBeds will be held Thursday, July 6, 2023, at 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 pm (Central).

During the orientation, we will provide a demonstration of the OpenBeds tool, including how to view bed availability or appointments at treatment programs and send electronic referrals. We will also be available to answer any questions you may have about the tool and how it can benefit your organization. Additional steps required to register and use OpenBeds in your program will be highlighted. If you have already joined the Nebraska OpenBeds project, you are welcome to send other staff for orientation if desired.

Please RSVP to attend the July orientation meeting.