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Applied Health Humanities: When the Graphic is the Medicine

Monday, April 3, 2023
5:30 pm6:30 pm
Hybrid - IN-person participation at Bergen Mercy Creighton University Medical Center, Building One, Room 11661, 7710 Mercy Rd, Omaha

With "Comic Nurse" MK Czerwiec

The emerging field of Graphic Medicine (the intersection of the medium of comics and the discourse of health, illness, disability, and caregiving) promises to be of great value to patients, families, and caregivers. In this talk, one of its early practitioners and champions will describe how comics (yes, comics!) can help us to better give and receive care.

Designed for: Nurses, Nurse Practitioners, Nurse Educators, and all interested health professionals

The purpose of this session is for participants to recognize the value and applications of creating and reading comics, equipping participants with related tools and skills to improve their pedagogy, patient care, reflective practice, and research.
1.0 CE hours