Provider Relief Fund Federal Audits Are Here: What to Expect and How to Prepare webinar (IHA 2.14.23)
Dates: Tuesday, February 14
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. CT
Ben Fee, Attorney with Hall Render
Cost: $195 to NHA members (per hospital, no charge for additional lines, recordings available up to 60 days after the webinar)
Course Curriculum
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) has distributed nearly $170 billion in Provider Relief Fund (PRF) payments to eligible health care providers since April 2020. With the fund expended, the federal government has now started recipient audits. The scope of each audit can broadly cover compliance with the applicable terms and conditions attached to the receipt of relief fund payments, how an entity used these funds to reimburse eligible expenses and lost revenue or specific relief fund compliance requirements such as the restriction against balance billing out-of-network patients for COVID-19 treatment. The audits can be conducted by HRSA with nongovernmental contractors, the Office of Inspector General or other government agencies, and are in addition to the single audit requirement many recipients are subject to. Despite the scope of the audit or which government agency oversees the work, providers should prepare for potential government audits now. Every provider relief fund recipient is required to comply with the relevant reporting obligations and other relief fund requirements and restrictions. Noncompliance can result in the recoupment of some or all the applicable relief fund payments. Join Hall Render attorney Ben Fee for this online seminar as he discusses the various government audits underway, what providers can do before a potential audit and recommendations and strategies for navigating the audit process.
Learning Objectives:
At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
Understand the various provider relief fund audits and agencies conducting these.
Prepare for future provider relief fund audits.
Develop strategies and best practices to navigate provider relief fund audits.
Speaker Bios:
Ben Fee practices exclusively in the area of health law advising health systems and hospitals on a variety of reimbursement, regulatory, compliance and corporate matters. He regularly advises clients on reimbursement and financial strategies, government reimbursement and payment matters, corporate structure and reorganization, the 340B drug discount program and corporate compliance issues. Fee earned both his law and master's in health administration degrees from the University of Iowa.