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The Back-Order Problem: Managing a Disrupted Supply Chain in the Post-COVID World webinar (W2071)

Thursday, December 8, 2022
12:00 pm1:00 pm

Course Curriculum
The Covid pandemic rattled a very fragile medical and pharmaceutical supply chain, which has proved very costly to health systems due to supply inflation, canceled procedures, and inefficient labor utilization. Contributing factors to these challenges include globalization, poor data standards, lack of transparency, and inadequate preparation. However, there are solutions, and the industry is adapting quickly. Health care providers can focus on three main areas:
1) Metrics and accountability
2) Preparation and planning
3) Operational forecasting.
This webinar will define key strategies that supply chain professionals can take to prepare for the future.

Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this session, participants should be able to:
• Recall the nature and scope of global health care supply issues.
• Identify the root cause of supply issues.
• Recite the key metrics to help understand a health system resiliency risk.
• Discuss the elements of a strong resiliency plan.
• Describe how to use data to develop actionable operational forecasting.

Speaker Bio
Matthew Shimshock has over 25 years of health care project management, strategic supply chain, and group purchasing experience. For the last 10 years, he has worked for Premier Inc. in the supply chain group purchasing field and IT product management. In his current product management position, Matt has helped develop and implement support applications for Premier’s supply chain solutions. He is currently part of the strategic development team to design and build supply chain/clinical data resource utilization, P2P commerce, and core analytics solutions. Matt has an undergraduate degree from the Pennsylvania State University and an MBA from St. Joseph’s University in Philadelphia.

This speaker has no real or perceived conflicts of interest that relate to this presentation.

Cost: $195 to NHA members for the series (per hospital, no charge for additional lines, recordings available up to 60 days after the webinar)