2022 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Experiences in Healthcare Summit
2022 Deaf and Hard of Hearing Experiences in Healthcare Summit
Optimizing the Patient Experience
October 21, 2022
Join the 1st ever Deaf and Hard of Hearing Experiences in Healthcare Summit!
During this one-day virtual summit designed for healthcare professionals and administrators, you’ll be given be provided with tools, strategies and best practices to improve communication access, drive systemic change and, ultimately, improve the patient experience for Deaf, hard of hearing, DeafBlind and late deafened individuals.
This summit is designed for healthcare professionals and administrators, including individuals who work in the following areas: patient experience; language services; patient services; diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility (DEIA); and risk management.
The summit agenda and additional pertinent information is
listed at www.2axend.com/DHHSummit.
Conference Registration
For $199, you’ll be given access to all sessions, an exclusive video to be released for this summit, virtual exhibit booths, and opportunities to interact with conference attendees via our conference app.
What accommodations will be provided?
Sign language interpretation and real-time captioning will be provided. Additional reasonable accommodations may be requested by emailing info@2axend.com.
Which platform will be used?
All sessions will be accessible via Zoom. All details will be provided to participants as we get closer to the summit.