Discharge Planning: Compliance with CMS Hospital & CAH CoPs webinar W2034
This program will cover the changes to the discharge planning standards published in February 2020. It is anticipated that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) will soon publish revised interpretive guidelines and survey procedures to match the new regulations. .
The new regulations cover sections on a patient’s timely access to medical records, the discharge planning process, discharge instructions, and discharge planning requirements. This webinar will review transfers to other facilities, assessment of 30-day readmissions, caregiver rights and recommendations, reduction of factors that lead to preventable readmissions, and more.
This session will also discuss the Impact Act its effect on hospital discharge planning, as well as the worksheet previously used to assess compliance with the CMS hospital Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for discharge planning. Although no longer used, the worksheet is available as an excellent self-assessment tool. Finally, the webinar will cover 1335 waivers regarding discharge planning that CMS issued during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Every hospital that accepts Medicare and Medicaid must comply with the CMS discharge planning guidelines, and these standards must be followed for all patients rights and recommendations, reduction of factors that lead to preventable readmissions, and more.
This session will also discuss the Impact Act its effect on hospital discharge planning, as well as the worksheet previously used to assess compliance with the CMS hospital Conditions of Participation (CoPs) for discharge planning. Although no longer used, the worksheet is available as an excellent self-assessment tool. Finally, the webinar will cover 1335 waivers regarding discharge planning that CMS issued during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Every hospital that accepts Medicare and Medicaid must comply with the CMS discharge planning guidelines, and these standards must be followed for all patients.
Speaker Name:
Susan Seeley, RN, MSN, NEA-BC
Nash Healthcare Consulting