for Hospital Presidents/Administrators/CEOs only
Contributions or gifts to the NHAPAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes. Your contribution is important to us, but we want to emphasize that all contributions are voluntary and have no impact on your job status, performance review, compensation or employment. Any giving guideline is merely a suggestion. You are free to give more or less than the guidelines suggest, up to the permitted $5,000 per year. Any amount given or the decision not to give will not advantage or disadvantage you. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in a calendar year (January-December). Contributions to NHAPAC will be used for a political purpose.
The NHA Political Action Committee (NHA PAC) is a fund supported through contributions of hospital administrators and staff that are then distributed to those individuals running for office identified as recognizing the importance of health care in Nebraska. Every year, decisions are made in Lincoln and Washington, D.C., that determine the future of Nebraska hospitals. There are champions of our issues – elected officials who have a passion and understanding for the unique role hospitals play in ensuring the quality of life in their communities.
Term limits also diminish the number of champions in office and require urgency in identifying new champions with each election, potential officeholders who are engaged in positive health care discussion and willing to learn about the issues hospitals face in their communities every day. As with any dichotomy, not everyone embraces the importance of effective health care policy. It is essential for hospitals and health systems to have a strong and united voice in the political, legislative and regulatory arenas.
The mission of the NHA PAC is to ensure that, with each election, we can strengthen the presence of champions for health care amongst our state and national lawmakers. The NHA PAC and AHAPAC offer an opportunity for individuals to be involved in our state and federal political process. The NHA PAC supports the efforts of the NHA and its members to advocate on behalf of Nebraska hospitals by participating in the political process.
Who can participate in the NHA PAC?
Growth of the NHA PAC begins with health care leaders – hospital administrators and the hundreds, if not thousands, of leadership staff in the hospitals across the state that make up the NHA. Hospital employees, officers, directors and stockholders, as well as members of the NHA, may contribute to the NHA PAC.
Who should I contact for more information on the NHA PAC?
For more information on the PAC, including guidelines on participation, contact David Slattery, Senior Director, State & Rural Advocacy, at (402) 742-8153 or via email.